Trenzas en ingles

Letra de Exposito
Música de Pontier

Traduccion de Solotango TV

the sweet silk of your braids
the shadow of the moon in your skin
and in your abscence
braids that tied me to you in love’s yoke
softly though, for your smile and your voice
you so fine, by the luck of my routine
I won your heart on a stret corner.
Braids that taste of bitter mate
and sweeten my irey lethargy
Where has the wild flower of ykgr nove gone?
where, where has it gone after I’ve loved you
perhaps my heart had to lose you
and so my loneliness grows as I search for you
and so I’m crying tired of crying
braided tto your life with plaits of worry…
without you
why must I love only in the end to leave!