Nubes de humo (en ingles)

Letra de Manuel Romero
Música de Manuel Joves


Smoke my friend, smoke and we chat,
and while you smoke let’s remember
that as the smoke of the cigarette
already goes our youth.
Smoke my friend, smoke and remember,
that I’ll also remember,
I, that loved her with the soul
a black day I abandoned her.

I go without being able to forget,
tormented by the grief,
I swear that she was good
and I did not want to listen to her.

No use to brag
when the feelings are deep,
poor, my dear one,
all my life I should cry for her.
And now my friend, repented,
I want to forget her and I can not
even seems that she is hanging
among the clouds of the blue smoke.

Smoke my friend, smoke and we’ll dream
I want to forget my ingratitude,
upon seeing today that as the smoke
the youth is dispelled.