El poncho del olvido you left me (the poncho of the forgetfulness)

Letra de Andrés Cepeda,» Andrés Rosemary»,» Manuel González.»
Música de Carlos Gardel

El poncho del olvido You left me (the poncho of the forgetfulness)
Lyrics by Andrés Cepeda,» Andrés Rosemary»,» Manuel González.»
He was born in Colonel Brandsen (Buenos Aires.) May 18 1879 and he
died in Buenos Aires March 30 1910. Called «The divine poet of the
prison.» Young poet, cult, abandoned the studies to be blended with
bad companies will give with his bones to the» National Penitentiary»
after offending several times, there he wrote most of his verses.
Gardel sang numerous poetries of Cepeda, to who knew, and you recorded
making them figure as own, the following ones: Gorgeos » Gurgles»
(The butterfly); Yo sé hacer «To Hernández» (I know how to make); A mi
madre «To my mother» (Poor mother); El poncho del olvido » The poncho
of the forgetfulness» Me dejaste (you left Me); El almohadón » The
cushion»»; Amargura «Bitterness»; En vano » In vain, In vain.»

Music by Carlos Gardel
Style (4) August 13 1912 (1913)
Number of the main test of the house recording 56753-1 Nº of
publication order or of recording of the pimera appearance of the
title: 5. Sequential Nº of recording: 5 Serial number of the
original disk T594 Side A. Duration in minutes: seconds 3:18
Recording carried out in the system acoustic mechanic, in Buenos Aires
and the disks pressed in Brazil. I seal Columbia. The accompaniment
in the guitar belongs to the same Carlos Gardel.

Theme: I don’t understand neither a damm !un carajo¡ of this.

If although the poncho of the forgetfulness
on my loin you have left (dejao).
The memories of the past
they should have you followed
and I eat fastened thistle
acolado and chewed.
To open up in your heart
always giving you a jab;
while to me you does not allow in passing,
maybe, your imagination.
The time that had us
Bundle (acuellarado ) at both;
you (vos) were able to cut it
so much pulling it (tironiarlo) one day;
that damm (!the pucha), the happiness
the sun you ended up stopping.
That you were you (fuistes (sic)) to enjoy
and you (vos) that want (querés) that made
so old that field out
with the misfortune at par.
You left me shivering
of an alone push (arrempujón),
! as the moroa rooster
without feathers and singing (cacariando)
But before brazeando
with the bad thing that you have thrown (echao),
it is a tree leafless (deshojao)
with the time very gacé
that it grows green again
and be of fruits you load you.
Anything has duration
in this mean world;
and in uneven road
anyone gives a stumble.
That you have given me a lesson
that I should take advantage of it;
that it gives sign or final
as well as I have learned it (e’aprendido),
with the poncho of the forgetfulness
I also want to cover you.


Acuellarao: Don Carlos pronounces This way it and he has to do with
Acollarado,da: United in marriage. The man and the woman that live
together without being married. || Conversed in a business or illicit
treatment. || Acollarar: to Fall in love. To get married. To
marry. || To live man and woman together without being married. ||
To unite, to tie, to join two beings or things. || To treat several
people an illicit business. || To converse. To make or to tell
something desordenamente or in a bad way. || Acollararse: to Fall in
love, to join, to live together. || Life in common that they make the
man and the woman without being married. || To unite in marriage. To
get tied up to an illicit business. ! As the moroa rooster without
feathers and cacariando This can that it is a proverb with some
meaning that I have not been able to find in the few dictionaries of
proverbs that I have. Or perhaps it is a silly thing invented by

Poncho: m. Prenda de abrigo que consiste en una manta, cuadrada o
rectangular, de lana de oveja, alpaca, vicuña, o de otro tejido, que
tiene en el centro una abertura para pasar la cabeza, y cuelga de los
hombros generalmente hasta más abajo de la cintura.

Poncho: m. Coat that consists on a blanket, square or rectangular,
of sheep wool, German nickel, vicuña, or of another fabric that has in
the center an opening to pass the head, and it generally hangs of the
shoulders until hereinafter of the waist.