Adiós pampa mía (en ingles)

Letra de Ivo Pelay
Letra de Francisco Canaro
Música de Maríano Mores
Compuesto en 1945
Traducción de Frank Sasson.

Goodbye, my pampa!…
I’m leaving… I’m leaving for strange lands
Goodbye, roads that I have travelled,
rivers, hills and ravines,
the shack where I was born.
If we don’t see each other again,
my loved land,
I want you to know
That in my departure I leave my life

In leaving you, my pampa
My eyes and my soul get filled
With the green of your grass
and the trembling of the stars;
with the singing of the winds
and the weeping of the guitars
That sometimes made me happy
And other times made me cry.

Goodbye… my Pampa
I’m leaving on the road of hope
Goodbye, plains that I have galloped
paths, hills and ravines
Places where I have dreamed.
I will return to your _soil_
when I have a premonition
That my soul is escaping
Like a dove, up to the sky.
I’m leaving, my pampa! …