A mi madre (en ingles) II

Letra de Andrés Cepeda
Letra de Andrés Rosemary
Letra de Manuel González
Música de Carlos Gardel

A mi madre (Pobre madre) To my mother (Poor mother)
Lyrics by Andrés Cepeda,» Andrés Rosemary»,» Manuel González.»
He was born in Colonel Brandsen (Buenos Aires.) May 18 1879 and he
died in Buenos Aires March 30 1910. Called «The divine poet of the
prison.» Young poet, cult, abandoned the studies to be blended with
bad companies will give with his bones to the» National Penitentiary»
after offending several times, there he wrote most of his verses.
Gardel sang numerous poetries of Cepeda, to who knew, and you recorded
making them figure as own, the following ones: Gorgeos » Gurgles»
(The butterfly); Yo sé hacer «To Hernández» (I know how to make); A mi
madre «To my mother» (Poor mother); El poncho del olvido » The poncho
of the forgetfulness» Me dejaste (you left Me); El almohadón » The
cushion»»; Amargura “Bitterness»; En vano » In vain, In vain.»

Music by Carlos Gardel
Style (3) August 13 1912 (1913)
There were two recordings of this work, that is: Number of the main
test of the recording house 56752-1. Nº of publication order or of
recording of the first appearance of the title: 4. Sequential Nº of
recording: 4 Duration in minutes: seconds 2:5 Nº of order of
publication of the title 19 Serial number of the original disk T729
Side A Recording acoustic mechanics, carried out in Buenos Aires and
pressed in Brazil. The name of the stamp was Columbia. Number of the
main test of the recording house (2 tests were made the same day: 251
and 251-1). Sequential Nº of recording: 59, September 26 1920 (1920)
Serial number of the disk original 18023 Side B They meet a repetition
of number of the master recordings here with the numeration that
you/they brought the recordings carried out in 1917. The
accompaniment in the quitarras belonged to José «El negro» Ricardo,»
first guitar» who began in 1916; he remained 13 years with Gardel and
got detached of him in May of 1929 in abrupt form while they acted in
Madrid when he returned to Buenos Aires; and José Razzano; tenor of
good tuning that sounded appropriately with the registration of
Gardel. His collaboration begins in May of 1917 ending in 1925, when
Razzano, with his seriously affected throat stops to sing. He
continues as particular secretary and of representation. Around 1928,
José Razzano tries to return to his artistic activity.

Theme: Remorse for not having loved the mother sufficiently.

Come, beautiful and beautiful lira;
don’t refuse your harmony,
give me with your melody
a grandiose inspiration;
you that always kind
you were with all singer,
don’t deny me a favor
to a depressed and sad soul.
I have mother and like you exists,
I have mother and like you exists,
to sing you wants my love.
She in her breast took me
when she have given me the life,
beautiful dear mother,
of caresses you filled me;
loving she left me
this life and the early one
to contemplate tomorrow
full with pain and sadness,
on her black head,
on her black head
! for me the first white hair
Poor mother, perhaps,
culprit is in the life
of this pain without measure,
that you feel in your age.
You on the other hand in my childhood
you have given me life and heat
you kissed me with ardor,
in the flower of my existence;
and me with my indifference…
and me with my indifference…
and me with my indifference,
! I have only given you pain .