A media luz (en ingles)

Letra de Carlos César Lenzi
Música de Edgardo Donatto
Compuesto en 1925

Corrientes three-four-eight,
second floor, elevator
There are no doormen nor neighbors.
Inside, cocktail and love.
Loft furnished by Maple:
piano, rug and nightlamp,
a telephone that answers,
a fonograph that cries
old tangos of my flower
and a porcelain cat
that can’t mew the love.

And everything at half light
that love is a sorcerer…
At half light the kisses…
At half light the two of us…
And all at half light…
interior twilight…
What a soft velvet
the half light of love!

Juncal twelve twentyfour
Call without fear.
On afternoons, tea with pastries;
at night, tango and singing.
On Sundays, tea dancing;
on Mondays, emptiness…
There is everything in the little house:
pillows and sofas;
like in a drugstore, coke;
carpets muffling the sound
and a table set for love.