La cancion de buenos aires (en ingles)

Letra de Manuel Romero
Música de Azucena Maizani
Traducido por Walter Kane

Buenos Aires, when I found myself so far away
I only found solace
In the sugary tones of a tango
that the bandoneón was crying.
Buenos Aires, yearning for you
beneath the sun of another sky,
how my heart cried
hearing your nostalgic song.

Mischievous song, song of Buenos Aires,
there’s something in your essence that lives and endures.
Mischievous song, moan of bitterness,
smile of hope, sob of passión.
That is the tango song of Buenos Aires,
born in the slum, today it rules all
the world.
This is the tango that I carry so deep,
buried in the depth of the Creole heart.

Buenos Aires where the tango was born,
my beloved land.
I wish I could offer you
all the soul of my singing
and ask of my fate the favor
that at the end of my life
I may hear the cry of the bandoneón
intoning your nostalgic song.