Feliz navidad (en ingles)

Letra de Juan D’ Arienzo
Letra de Juan Polito
Letra de Rodríguez
Música de Juan D’ Arienzo
Música de Juan Polito
Música de Rodríguez

around the table
everything is happy,
a grief is forgot,
the grudge is forgot.
And at the head,
the happy grandmother
lovingly tightens
to the youngest grandchild.

Two tears tremble
in each pupil,
a happy emotion
is reflected on her face.
The grandchildren surround
her white head,
forming a wheel
of happiness and love.

Let’s toast, brothers,
Let’s toast, friends.
Health for the Father,
bless him, God.
And for you, Mother,
a deep kiss from my heart.

Bells of glory
thrown to the flight
they ring and they say
by the immensity.
That there is peace on Earth
and there is light in heaven
they ring and they say
Merry Christmas!